The story follows the life of professional hitman, Agent 47, as narrated in cutscenes by a former director of the FBI to a journalist who is interviewing him. The wheelchair-using ex-director recounts how his agency tracked 47 over a two-year period. The game also marks 47's arrival to the United States, and differs from the original three in that several contracts are carried out in civilian areas, as opposed to the "covert ops" settings of Codename 47, Silent Assassin, and Contracts. Many new features were introduced to Hitman: Blood Money. These include the capability to climb through more obstacles, improved unarmed combat, the ability to use an NPC as a human shield (and use a weapon to knock them unconscious after their purpose had been served had they not been killed yet), improved character animations (face, eyes, etc.), a new game engine and the ability to upgrade weapons and equipment.
System Requirements
- Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or equivalent Athlon XP
- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (Win 95/98/ME/NT not supported)
- 512MB RAM
- 5GB available hard drive space
- DVD-ROM drive
- DirectX 9.0 Compliant video card
- DirectX compliant sound card (nVidia GeForce FX or ATi Radeon 9500)
- Keyboard & mouse
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